We're committed to a clean and safe facility. View our policies here.
Cryo Pricing
Total Whole Body Cryo Sessions
First Time Session
3 - Pack
First Time Only
2-Week Special
12 visits to use within 2 weeks
5 - Pack
Single Session
10 - Pack
Total Whole Body Cryo Memberships
Executive Deal
4 Total Whole Body Cryo sessions in a month. If you do not use all 4 in a month, the sessions will ROLLOVER to the next month. At the end of the year (from purchase), any unused sessions will expire.
Contract is a MINIMUM of 3 months.
If you cancel, you will have 1 month to use the remainder of the visits.
If you use all 4 in a month but want more, you could purchase a single use for $25.
$99 /month
1 Month Unlimited
Not reoccuring: 1 - 2x/day
Minimum 3 months.
1 month cancellation notice.
Locked in at special offer price until cancellation.
All other cryo services are 50% off.
$300 / month
1 Month Unlimited Family Plan
Not reoccuring: 1 - 2x/day.
2 - 4 family members.
Minimum 3 months.
1 month cancellation notice.
Locked in at special offer price until cancellation.
All other cryo services are 50% off.
$400 / month
Cryo 6 Spot Treatment
*per body part
Single Session
10 - Pack
Cryo Facial
Single Session
10 - Pack
Recovery Pricing
Ballancer Pro
Single Session
​30 minute session
5 - Pack
​30 minute sessions
10 - Pack
​30 minute sessions
Single Session
​25 minute session
3 - Pack
​25 minute sessions
10 - Pack
​25 minute sessions
Percussion Therapy (DMS)
Single Session
10 minute session
3 - Pack
10 minute sessions
5 - Pack
10 minute sessions
Intermittent Hypoxic Trainer
21 Sessions
*consecutive treatments for best results
*per body part
Single Session
5 - Pack
Radial Impulse
*per body part
Single Session
emfield: High Energy Inductive Therapy (HEIT) aka "The Magnet"
*per body part
Single Session
Team Specials
"In-Season" Cryo Special
Please ask for more details
Team Cryo
Must be in groups of 4 at a time
$10 per athlete
Parent Deal
When coming in with kid
10 minute session